how to attach a leg rope
- Ensure the leash rope is double looped
- If installed correctly the rail save will protect the edge of your board
- Check the velcro bond before each surf
- Surfboard
- A leg rope (otherwise known as a leash)
- A leg rope string

Step 1:Start by threading the leash string through the plug at the rear of the board

Step 2:Once through, grab both ends and pull up creating two even loops

Step 3:Squeeze the loops together to allow the leash to pass through

Step 4:Undo leash velcro and feed the end through both loop holes.

Step 5:Fold over your velcro, incasing the knot. The velcro will fold in three separate stages for a secure bond.

Step 6:After assembly, check that the velcro section (or more commonly known as the rail saver) is the only section touching the rail of your board.