how to adjust/cut your paddle
- Ensure the paddle connection is water tight whilst gluing
- Ensure you have a sharp hacksaw blade when cutting your desired length
- Paddle handle and paddle
- Epoxy 2 part adhesive
- Hacksaw with sharp blade
- Scissors
- Black duct tape

Step 1:To find your ideal paddle height, start by making a shaka hand gesture with your thumb on your head and finger in the air. Your ideal height will be 6-8 inches above your head. Mark the spot on the paddle with tape.

Step 2:Add extra tape where you are going to cut through the paddle so the carbon doesn't splinter. Using a hacksaw, cut down as marked. Then clean the area, removing any carbon powder or excess tape.

Step 3:Mix your epoxy 2 part adhesive and spread evenly on your paddle handle. Insert the paddle handle into the paddle shaft, ensuring it is facing the right way (towards the paddle blade so your hand rolls over the paddle handle).

Step 4:Ensure the glue has covered the entire connection for an air and water tight seal. Once set, add either heat shrink tape or black duct tape to join for a clean finish.